A downloadable tool

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Plugin script for Aseprite.

Tool Ring is plugin for Aseprite that creates an interactive widget on your screen, allowing to manipulate the active tool or color.

[Update 2.0] This tool has been transformed into an extension, allowing for between session saving of the 'tool rings' and easy installation.

  • Saves position, size and widgets(tools/colors) of each tool ring between session
  • scales dynamically when dragged by it's borders
  • shows the active tool and color when interacted with
  • creates a new instance when the function is called again, after it loaded the last session at first time.

[Update 1.9] The system has been rewrote, making it more flexible while using it in aseprite.

New functionalities: 

  • Left mouse down shows the list of tools and colors held by the tool ring you can switch to by selecting and releasing the button. 
  • Holding the button for a longer time, will open a new state, where you can add you current active tool or color to the list.
  •  Right mouse button will removes the selected tool or color from the list.
  •  Holding the right button opens a new sate, that when selected closes the tool ring.

This tool is in mind for users, using a pen and want a quick access to a small amount of tools or colors for a faster work flow.

Hold down your mouse button on the widget to create a ring of available tools, select one by moving your mouse over that tool and releasing the mouse button.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

tool-ring 2.0.zip 6.4 kB
ToolRing.zip 2.6 kB

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